Rhythm of Divine Love
There is a rhythm of Divine Love that pulsates through all creation and holds it in being. We are called to enter into and dance to that rhythm.
Only when we give up our self-grasping, self-seeking ideals and forget our small selves, may we become empty enough to allow God enter into our hearts and dance to the Divine rhythm that lives within us so that we may become instruments of his Love.
In the evening of life, we will be judged by how we have loved. When the fever of work is over and we are no longer able to do very much, we can still go on loving, for love does not depend on physical strength or the ability to perform service for others. As the song has it, We can still go on loving in the same old way."
However, the love we Christians practise is not fired by a merely human spark. It is a living flame--a glow of the Holy Spirit, that penetrates and energises all human endeavour and lifts us into a Divine level. I say: lifts,-- for in no way does the Divine, lessen or deprive us of what is human. My human love for you, Beloved is real but the Divine spark enlivens and enhances it. Truth is that the human and the Divine are woven into one tapestry that is totally human and splendidly Divine.
The Divine Weaver of life simply asks us to give to him the ragged threads of our human desires and deeds. We are invited to entrust these threads and tangles of daily living to his hands. My prayer and the whole thrust of my being is to say:
In the evening of life, we will be judged by how we have loved. When the fever of work is over and we are no longer able to do very much, we can still go on loving, for love does not depend on physical strength or the ability to perform service for others. As the song has it, We can still go on loving in the same old way."
However, the love we Christians practise is not fired by a merely human spark. It is a living flame--a glow of the Holy Spirit, that penetrates and energises all human endeavour and lifts us into a Divine level. I say: lifts,-- for in no way does the Divine, lessen or deprive us of what is human. My human love for you, Beloved is real but the Divine spark enlivens and enhances it. Truth is that the human and the Divine are woven into one tapestry that is totally human and splendidly Divine.
The Divine Weaver of life simply asks us to give to him the ragged threads of our human desires and deeds. We are invited to entrust these threads and tangles of daily living to his hands. My prayer and the whole thrust of my being is to say:
Into your hands, O Lord, I commend myself.
Hold me and handle me,
and make me an instrument of your love.
Form and fashion me into something beautiful.
So, Beloved what I offer you
is no longer my little human love,
but the love of the One
who loves us all with an everlasting love.
Hold me and handle me,
and make me an instrument of your love.
Form and fashion me into something beautiful.
So, Beloved what I offer you
is no longer my little human love,
but the love of the One
who loves us all with an everlasting love.
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